Friday, July 2, 2010

Independence is Work

The word independence brings up visions of the stars and stripes waving majestically in the wind, of brave men and women risking their lives on foreign soil to preserve freedom for others and visionary leaders standing against powerful rulers in pursuit of happiness that only comes when one is free and a nation independent.

There are other illustrations of independence that do not come to mind as readily but still reflect the sense and the virtue of the word independence. In light of these other illustrations I would like to both thank and celebrate the American worker.

The workforce of the United States has been responsible for some of the most extraordinary accomplishments in man’s history. The imagination and diligent application of independence active in American workers has contributed to the betterment of life for populations all over the world. Consider the revolutionizing of mass production assembly lines that put out the Ford Model T at a price affordable for the “workingman”. Think about the awe inspiring increase in production during war time 1940’s when the USA increased Gross Domestic Product each year and produced more than all axis countries combined. Our great workforce has shown again and again the ability to both hunker down and rise to the occasion.

We have not stopped being independent and we will not stop working. Some may think that the workforce of the U.S. has taken the back seat to workers in other countries. The evidence contradicts this thinking. As continued advancements are made in all areas affecting the way people live, the independent spirit of the American worker continues to lead the way. We introduced the world to duct tape, made the air conditioner safe, affordable and portable, with NASA we accomplished the Space Shuttle system and continued to the successful development of the Mars Rover. The American workforce has been the power behind countless advancement and we will likely be in the lead of bringing the next great breakthroughs realized by man.
In my line of work I often have the opportunity to walk fabrication and metal machining production floors where I truly see the greatness of our country and the independence it nurtures displayed. It can be seen in the faces of the welders with blackened shirts that carry the residue of their trade. It is captured in the hands of the machinists who thoroughly inspect the finished part for imperfection before sending it down the production line. The actions of managers with rolled up sleeves getting in elbow deep on a project to assist in its completion show the character of every virtuous moment in our nation’s history.

There are countless other illustrations in the American workforce that shine with brilliant light on a grateful people that love the land in which they live. While celebrating our independence on the upcoming 4th of July, the 236th celebrated in this great nation of the United States of America, let’s remember to think of the American worker along with all the other heroic figures brought to memory. The building and sustaining of our great nation and its freedom is written indelibly in the words “Made in the USA”.

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