Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Tribute to the Fab Shop of America

A fab shop is a shop that specializes in fabrication style metal working processes. In other words a fab shop takes metal and cuts it, bends it, forms it, drills it, welds it and finishes it. Traditionally, the term fab shop brings up thoughts of a dark, smoky place where an occasional spark from a welder can be seen out of the corner of your eye. While there may be this type of shop around, the term fab shop should not be exclusively considered in this manner.

In fact, we deal with fab shops on a daily basis. We know the processes, the facilities and people that operate them. It has been our experience at Short Run Pro that fab shops are the seedbeds of ¬creativity and innovation in metal working and manufacturing. Dealing with thousands of fabricated metal parts has allowed us to work with manufacturing on the most intricate level. While working with these fab shops we have experienced times of brilliant discussion on how a part can be modified to improve performance or capacity or even save money.

Obviously we don't see fab shops with the outsiders view. You can't take that Dante's Inferno view once you have been exposed to the fab shop environs. Once you’re in it the fab shop becomes a place where craftsmanship lives and pride abounds. We love the fab shop!